Starting the engine
On this post, I will try to tell you what this blog is about. This will be the very first one of many posts - I hope. They will be about a couple of technological topics. Bear in mind this is a side project and I will create more post when I have enough time. The main goal is enjoy and learn together!
Why this blog?
First of all, I would like to apologize for all the mistakes and misspellings I am sure I will perform. English is not my mother tongue, but I will try to do my best. If someone finds out something wrong, I will be very thankful to get that feedback. All of you may contact me through my social networks or make a pull request. With your help, it will be easier to improve and learn together.
So… why do I make his? In one hand, I really appreciate the free good quality content about many topics that it is available on the web. I learn a lot everyday due this posts, tutorials and free information. I have been thinking about doing this blog for a long time and also it is a way to contribute with the open community.
So, Turn it on!!
On the other hand, this is a way to force myself to improve the background I have. I believe the best way to “upgrade” knowledge is by explaining concepts and ideas it to someone.
I encourage you to share your impressions, doubts and corrections on the Disqus threads. As I keep saying, the goal is learn together. With your feedback I will know what to improve, keep or change.
What is the goal?
I would like to write quite short posts about specific topics. The main idea is they should be easily understandable. This is how I like to be taught. So, I will apply the Rubber Duck Debugging approach. When I touch any complex or long topic, I will probably split the whole item into some small parts: more simple to write and to eat!
So, bellow I show you some of the main subjects I will pick to write the posts. Some of them wil lbe related to things I learnt on professional and side projects. Other will be issues I picked up on my own.
- Data science
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Crypto world
- Music
- Never know…
The concepts and problems related with this fields are usually quite complex. I do not think I am a great expert in such subjects, but I will try to make the explanations as simple as possible. Those topics are amazing and very trending, so it will be great to write about them.
Stay tuned!
I will let know about the updates on this blog through by social networks. So stay tuned and share your thoughts and opinions!
Music is very important in my life. So I will share with you an small music piece with every post! Today I recommend you “The birth of the Blues” with the great “Rat Pack”! Just check de YouTube link.